LIFE AFTER DEATH We gather here on Sundays because this is the ‘day of the resurrection’. We call ourselves the people of the resurrection and of new life. We proclaim the mystery of faith: ‘Christ has died, Christ is risen.’ But we often do not stop and think about what we mean by ‘resurrection’ and […]
Monthly Archives: November 2019
Wisdom 11:22—12:2/Psalm 145:1-2,8-9,10-11,13,14/2 Thessalonians 1:11—2:2/Luke 19:1-10 Be available for salvation Today the gospel presents to us the story of Zacchaeus he was a rich tax collector, rich at the detriment of the people. For this reason tax collectors were not loved. Zacchaeus is a sinner, Jesus seeks him out, Zacchaeus repents and has a ‘firm […]
Ecclesiasticus 35:12-14, 16-19/ 32(33):2-3, 17-19, 23/ 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18/ Luke 18:9-14 Attitude in Prayer Luke 18 presents us with two different parables about prayer. This first parable teaches us about persistence in prayer. While the second parable (today’s gospel) addresses attitude in prayer by contrasting the prayer of the Pharisee with the prayer of the tax collector. […]
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