Monthly Archives: December 2019

Sunday-The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph -Year A

Sirach 3:2-7,12-14/Psalm 128:1-2,3,4-5/Colossians 3:12-21/Matthew 2:13-15,19-23 There are three homily notes here, remained blessed as you meditate upon them Rev. Fr. Thomas Oyode “The Holy Family of Nazareth: From Promise to Fulfillment” Our gospel reading for today is from Matthew 2:13-15, 19-23, the infancy narrative. Generally, this passage is more or less an introductory summary of […]

Fourth Sunday of Advent -Year A Isaiah 7:10-14 Psalm: 23(24):1-6 Romans 1:1-7/Matthew 1:18-24

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There are two homily notes for our reflection today Rev. Fr. Philip Mario Ekweli Dearly beloved in Christ, today is the fourth Sunday of advent year A. The liturgical readings enjoin us to reflect on the Virgin who brought forth the Son of God, lmmanuel – God with us. The three readings cut across this […]

HOMILY FOR THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT (YEAR A), DECEMBER 15, 2019. Isaiah 35:1-6,10/Psalm 146:6-7,8-9,9-10/James 5:7-10/Matthew 11:2-11

There are two homily notes here for our reflection Rev. Fr. Thomas OYODE “What is your Expectation of the Messiah?” The third Sunday of advent is also known as the “gaudete Sunday”, the Sunday of Joy. The liturgy continues to give us the character (personaggio) of John to reflect on. Today, John is presented as […]

HOMILY FOR FRIDAY OF THE SECOND WEEK OF ADVENT (ST. LUCY – DECEMBER 13, 2019) Isaiah 48:17-19; Ps.1; Matthew 11:16:-19

There are two homily notes here and a reflection on St. Lucy Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai Today’s gospel reading gives reason to overcome hash words. They said John had a demon because will not eat and drink. Jesus ate and drank they called him a drunk. In Catechism, this is Calumny, the deliberate twisting of fact […]

HOMILY FOR THURSDAY OF THE SECOND WEEK OF ADVENT (DECEMBER 12, 2019) Isaiah 41:13-20; Ps.145; Matthew 11:11-15

There are three homily notes here. May the Lord bless his word in our hearts as you read. Fr . Daniel Evbotokhai 📢 In the first reading Isaiah said “I am your redeemer, the Holy One of Israel”. In the gospel Christ practically redeemed the image of John the Baptist. For the Pharisee John has […]


Isaiah11:1-10/ 71(72):1-2,7-8,12-13,17/Romans15:4-9/ Matthew 3:1-12 We have three sets of homily notes to choose from.Please scroll down the page to read them. Fr. Thomas Oyode “John the Baptist and the Signs of the Kingdom” Last Sunday our reflection was based on the dawning of the Messiah who comes with the Light of peace to search every man’s heart […]


There are three homilies here be blessed add you read Isaiah 26:1-6; Ps.118; Matthew 7:21-27 Fr. Evaristus Okeke God’s Word strengthens us to overcome sin In this season of advent, we are anticipating the coming of the Messiah. Yesterday, we saw that this anticipation is with great expectation. Today, the gospel reading teaches us that […]


There are two homilies here for our reflection. May you be blessed as you read. REVD. FR. PHILIPMARIO EKWELI In our first reading, Prophet Isaiah prophesied about a shoot coming forth from the stump of Jesse and a branch growing out of his roots. This prophecy points at Jesus who was from the Davidic lineage. […]

The Holy Mass and the Bible

The Catholic Mass is full of prayers that come from both the Old and New Testaments. MASSWhen Catholic bishops and popes over the centuries sought to further develop the celebration of the Mass, expanding it from its original form at the Last Supper, they tried to restrict themselves from inventing new prayers and instead, looked […]