2 Thessalonians 2:1-3, 14-17; Psalm 96; Matthew 23:23-26
In the first reading, Paul exhorts the people to remain faithful to Christ and not to allow themselves to be led astray by false prophets especially those teaching about end time. Today there are so many false teaching and prophecies about end time we must guide against them. Precisely because of this Jesus rebuked the scribes and Pharisees who were more concerned with outward appearances than that of their souls.
Prayer of Protection over your family
Father you are my strength and my shield. You alone are my family’s unshakable refuge and fortress. I thank You that we can trust You to protect us from all harm. Today, I believe that no evil will befall us and that no plague will come near our dwelling. I declare that as Your Word has promised, my family and I will be far from oppression and terror, for it will not come near us. Thank You that we can live life bold and unafraid, for we know You are lovingly and tirelessly watching over us. Because of what Your Son, Jesus, has done for us at the cross, my family and I are under an open heaven of favor, protection, and blessings today. Amen.