1 Corinthians 3:1-9; Psalm 33; Luke 4:38-44


 “All those who had friends suffering… Brought them to him.” Friends are good; moments when we are weak they help us through their kind words and prayers. What kind of friend are you? Are your friends coming closer to Jesus? Do you lay the intentions of your friends or those who are sick, suffering and lonely before Jesus? As Christians we have a duty to spread Christ’s message to those whom we meet by what we do and say. God bless you!

Let us pray

Lord God, you called your disciples to share the good news of your love to the ends of the earth. They were a motley crew, many from the margins of the society of their day. Sometimes I feel on the margins of life, and I wonder if you can use me. All around us are signs the world is struggling and the future is unclear.  Remind me that power comes from you alone. Give me a courageous and willing spirit so that I may boldly go wherever and to whomever you send me. Amen.