Hebrews 5:7-9; Psalm 30; Luke 2:33-35


In the first reading we are told that Jesus Christ offered up prayer to God ‘aloud and in silent tears’; this may have brought sorrow to his Mother. Again, the Gospel tells us how Simeon predicted Mary’s suffering just immediately after the Son’s birth. Mary was told that she will suffer because of her son. The Scripture and Tradition recorded the sorrows of Mary. They are seven in number and are regarded as the seven great sorrows of Mary. They are moments in the life of her Son which brought sorrow and distress to Mary. They are:

(1.)The prophecy of Simeon: “You yourself shall be pierced with a sword – so that the thoughts of many hearts may be laid bare.” (Luke 2:35). (2.) The flight into Egypt; “Get up, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt.” (Mt 2:13). (3.) The lost of the Holy Child at Jerusalem; “You see that your father and I have been searching for you in sorrow.” (Luke 2:48). (4.) Meeting Jesus on his way to Calvary; (5.) Standing at the foot of the Cross; “Near the cross of Jesus there stood His mother.” (John 19:25). (6.) Jesus being taken from the Cross; (7.) At the burial of Christ.

May we who today go through sorrows because of our children find strength and consolation that God is telling a beautiful story that will end up in glory. Despite the sorrows of the night may we find our morning and eternal joy through Christ our Lord. Amen.