HOMILY FOR WEDNESDAY 25TH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME (Memorial of St Pius of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio), Priest)

PROVERBS 30:5-9; PSALM 119; LUKE 9:1-6


Jesus sent out his Twelve Apostles on a mission with the principles of evangelical excellence: Detachment, Deliverance and Dedication. We must be detached. The greatest distraction of the apostolic ministry today is materialism; love of riches and fear of poverty. Thus, the first reading prayed against poverty and excessive wealth, for excessive wealth can put a barrier between us and God. Secondly, we have the mandate to deliver people from demonic possession, ignorance, lust, greed, and other vices. Lastly, we must be dedicated. No one records excellence without dedication to his or her duty. Therefore, as Christians we must know that witness is our business. St. Padre Pio whose memorial we celebrate today gave expression to these principles of evangelical excellence. He was dedicated, detached and he was able to deliver the people of his time from the grip of satan and vices. Through his intercession we pray for a revival in our apostolate.   


Father Lord, we pray for a new generation of Christians that can embrace the apostolic ministry beyond the shores of clericalism so that whether a lay man or a cleric, we may give expression to Christ at all times and in all places.