ECCLESIASTES 3:1-11; PSALM 144; LUKE 9:18-22
There is a time for everything. How are we using our time? Pay attention today to the things you spend your time on and give account of your 24 hours to yourself. When you miss your time and season struggle begins. Having the understanding of the times makes us productive and effective. In the Gospel, Jesus asked “who do people say I am? Who do you say I am?” this event took place while Jesus and the Apostles were at prayer. Beloved, Peter spoke up because he was inspired! We cannot know Jesus without an encounter in prayer. We may have a perfect account of what others have said about Jesus but if we don’t spend time in prayer our knowledge of Jesus will not go beyond flesh and blood.
Let us pray
Father Lord, I seek for the grace not to be distracted. Jesus help me to stay focus and accomplish that which you have inspired in me. Procrastination has become a major hindrance to my success and growth in life, I pray that you will help me conquer it and above help to spend time with you through Christ our Lord. Amen.