GALATIANS 3:1-5; PSALM –LUKE 1; LUKE 11:5-13
Prayer demands practice and perseverance, courage and confidence. “Ask”, “seek” and “knock”. We may feel we have been knocking at the door of God for years yet no answer. We must realize that prayer is always heard by God, but not always answered as we might wish. We may ask for the wrong thing, but we will receive what we need, rather than what we want. This trust should be at the root of all prayer. Lastly, just as Paul admonished the Galatians we too must realize that prayer is not a function of the law but of faith. Heb. 11:6 without faith it is impossible to please God.
Let us pray
Grant me the gift of prayer, so that I may serve you with increased fervor, follow with more promptness your holy inspirations and observe your divine precepts with greater fidelity. Teach me Lord to be grateful for your gifts known and unknown each time I pray. Amen