GALATIANS 3:7-14; PSALM 111; LUKE 11:15-26
In our Gospel, Jesus says: “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters”. To gather with Christ means to enter into his paschal mystery; identify with his true and definitive vocation. Baptism is the beginning of this gathering and the Holy Eucharist is the culminating point of this gathering. Therefore, we must avoid everything that makes us scatter – quarrels, division, envy, hatred and sin in general. We must be vigilant over our hearts because the devil is astute. On the other hand, Paul says faith is God’s gift to men irrespective of tribe. Those who walk by faith shall receive the same blessing as Abraham. If we say we belong to God we must manifest faith.
Lord God, not matter what trials await us tomorrow, may we never forget the blessings you have shown us. Help me cling to you as my anchor. Help me remember your steadfast love and faithfulness for me in all things through Christ our Lord, Amen