Ephesians 1:1-10; Psalm 98; Luke 11:47-54
In the first reading, Paul says that God’s plan since the foundation of the world is for all things to be united under Christ. This union implies redemption and salvation. In the Gospel, Jesus rebuked the officials for their hypocrisy because it prevents the people from reaching closer union with God. That union was destined from Creation and set in place by Christ. Let us put aside any pharisaic behavior that will alter our union with Jesus and the plan for our salvation.
Today the Church celebrates the memorial of St Teresa of Avila, a Spanish Carmelite reformer and mystic whose life of prayer enriched the Church. Together with St. John of the Cross, she undertook the reform of the Carmelites. She expressed great faith in God. As a little girl she felt captivated by the thought of eternity and the vision of God. Thought of eternity can preserve our union with Christ. St Teresa of Avila, pray for us.