EPHESIANS 2:1-10; PSALM 100; LUKE 12:13-21
Today’s gospel reading presents us with “The Parable of the Rich Fool”. This title sounds funny, how can one be rich and at the same time a fool. Anyway in business parlance the man was wise enough to build bigger storage. After all, his harvest was rich. But how is he a fool? A fool is a person who behaves in a silly way without thinking. The Biblical meaning of “fool” is one who rebels against God or who has forgotten him. By attributing all the glory to himself and amassing for himself he rebelled against God. The man in the parable represents any Christian who amasses wealth without amassing grace. Such a Christian dies a disgrace.
Lastly, this is certainly a parable for our own times, where seeking money and more money often turns us into fools who prepare our own downfall. Jesus tells us, ‘A man’s life is not made secure by what he owns, even when he has more than he needs’. As the parable says, what really matters is making ourselves rich in the sight of God. Thus, Paul reminds us in the first reading that we are created in Christ Jesus for good works. Our faith in Jesus Christ must be translated into good deeds.
A Prayer for Might against Greed
Displaying the treasures of Your work, Jesus, You invited me to follow You, To sell my goods, to give to the poor, And to completely submit Myself to You. Desires for wealth leads to greed, Satisfaction never being reached. He who seeks no earthly possessions Is free of all avarice aspirations. Jesus, edify my weak human nature, To resist unnecessary commodities, Those classified as evident luxury. May I subdue all greedy tendencies! Amen.