EPHESIANS 4:1-6; PSALM 23; LUKE 12:54-59
In the first reading Paul says we all form the Body of Christ and so he invites us to build up this body through selflessness, charity patience and faith in God. On the other hand, Jesus said to the Pharisees in the Gospel “You hypocrites! You know how to interpret the appearance of earth and sky, but why do you not know how to interpret the present time?” Beloved in Christ, we must learn to interpret the events of our times and see every need to repent and draw closer to Christ more than ever before.
All powerful and merciful Father, You are a God of justice love and peace, You rule over all the nations of the earth, Power and might are in your hands and no one can withstand you, We present our country Nigeria before you, We praise and thank you for you are the source of all we have and are, We are sorry for all the sins we have committed and for the good deeds we have failed to do. In your loving forgiveness keep us safe from the punishment we deserve. Lord we are weighed down not only by uncertainties but also by moral, economic and political problems. Listen to the cries of Your people who confidently turn to You. God of infinite goodness, our strength in adversity, our health in weakness, our comfort in sorrow Be merciful to us your people; spare this nation Nigeria from chaos, anarchy and doom. Bless us with your kingdom of justice, love and peace. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord