The patriarchs of the Bible, when narrowly defined, are Abraham, his son Isaac, and Isaac’s son Jacob, also named Israel, the ancestor of the Israelites. In the course of our prayers and studies we shall view them beyond this narrow count. But for now, these three figures are referred to collectively as the patriarchs, and the period in which they lived is known as the patriarchal age. They play significant roles in the Old Testament also called the Hebrew scripture. They had immeasurable impart in the New Testament and their ways and example has so much for us in this generation.
DAY 6 (Jacob’s Reconciliation)
Gen. 33:10. “No, please; if I find favor with you, then accept my present from my hand; for truly to see your face is like seeing the face of God….”
Reconciliation is the process of two previously alienated parties coming to peace with each other. Because God has reconciled us to himself through Jesus Christ, we can reconcile with each other, no longer counting our offenses against one another. The absence of reconciliation robs the church of the power of unity. It robs home of peace and prosperity; it harms families and even unborn children and ultimately it destroys the soul. From the story of Jacob and Esau we can learn the steps to reconciliation.
- Hail Mary 21 times and Thank you Jesus 21 times.
- Bible Study: 32: 1-12/ Gen. 33:1-20
- Lessons:
- Reconciliation must be intentional (Gen. 32:3-5) Jacob realized that he has done wrong and so he has to make it right. He had to take the first step. Taking the initiative is essential in reconciliation.
- Reconciliation must be bathed in prayer (Gen. 32:9-12) Jacob prayed that Esau would spare his life. He prayed for God’s intervention on his life and that of his brother. Prayer is the lubricant for friction in relationships. Prayer ease the hurt of a wounded party.
- Reconciliation demands humility On that morning after all these years, Esau and Jacob met. Jacob, the Scripture says, “. . . bowed to the ground seven times until he approached his brother” (Genesis 33:3). That act is a posture of humility. Jacob humbled himself before his brother. He came with the right spirit and the right attitude. He acknowledged that he had done wrong. He was the deceiver. He tricked his brother out of his blessing. He accepted his fault. Humility is also the ability to accept your fault.
- Reconciliation requires openness and forgiveness. At the face to face meeting, “But Esau ran to meet him, hugged him, threw his arms around him, and kissed him. Then they wept” (Genesis 33:4). The two brothers embraced – the physical expression that healing has taken place. The tears symbolizes remorse and repentance. Reconciliation is not complete until we are truly open to ourselves and forgive.
- Reconciliation is finished in restitution. Jacob had to make things right. He had cheated his brother. He had stolen his birthright and all the inheritance that goes with it. Notice verse eight: “So Esau said, ‘What do you mean by this whole procession I met?’ ‘To find favor with you, my lord,’ he answered” (Gen. 33:8). The droves were the herds and flocks that Jacob was giving to Esau in restitution for the wrong he had suffered. Restitution is attempting to restore that which has been damaged or destroyed. When Jesus called Matthew the Tax collector, he agreed to carry out restitution for those he had cheated. When we ask for forgiveness for stolen goods we must complete that act through restitution. No one says Lord am sorry for stealing and still leaves the stolen goods under his care or consumption.
- Silence (5 to 10 minutes) (write down your own lessons; learn to hear from God and write down whatever God says to you)
- Intercessory Prayers : Prayer for Family Unity, Love and Peace
Prayer for Family Unity, Love and Peace
Oh God, help my family members be in peace and unity with one another. Please help each of my family member embrace and practice the core values of our family for the well-being of us all. Let us be committed to the good of one another all the time. Dear God, let us not nurture anger in our hearts for it to lead to bitterness and even hatred. Teach us how to resolve our conflicts openly, honestly and promptly. Please make us humbly enough to admit our faults and to seek forgiveness, love and peace when we have wronged others. Dear God, please help each of us to seek peace so as to maintain the unity of the family. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
I also pray for families out there; many of them dread going home after work. They dread this because home does not seem to be a place of peace or refuge anymore. They feel insecure. Help them accept themselves for their shortcomings. Also, help them learn how to operate in kindness and longsuffering toward one another. Help them communicate about daily needs and then bring those needs before your throne. Father, we know that your word says… Let us then approach God’s throne of Grace with confidence so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16).
Father give us the grace to enter into your peace, I pray for borthers and sisters who are at war with themselves Lord Jesus give them the spirit of humility to accept their faults and work for forgiveness and healing. For many who are feeling hurt because of the moves, lies, affliction done by their relative, Father let them experience the healing touch as Jacob and Esau felt. Let them know that is better to be united than to be scattered. I against every spirit of disunity in my family, I pray against every works of the enemy to bring my family down and ask that the Holy Spirit should seal my family and home with divine seal that we may be preserved from earthly and eternal damnation through Christ our Lord. Amen.
- The Litany to the Precious Blood of Jesus.
Lord, have mercy on us
Lord, have mercy on us
Christ, have mercy on us
Christ, have mercy on us Lord, have mercy on us
Lord, have mercy on us
Christ, hear us
Christ, graciously hear us
God, the Father of heaven
have mercy on us
God the Son, Redeemer of the world *
God, the Holy Spirit *
Holy Trinity, One God *
O most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, the Blood of Salvation
*Cover us and the whole world.*
The ocean of the Blood of Jesus Christ
Set us free( *R* your response)
The Blood of Jesus Christ,
Full of holiness and compassion *R*
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
Our strength and power
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The Everlasting Covenant *R*
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The foundation of the Christian faith *R*
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The armor of God *R*
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The Divine Charity *R*
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The scourge of demons *R*
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, The help of those in bondage *R*
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The sacred wine *R*
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The power of Christians *R*
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The defender of the Catholic wall *R*
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The Christian’s true faith *R*
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The healing blood
Save us (Response)
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The anointing blood
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The boldness of the children of God
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The commander of Christian warriors
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The blood of resurrection
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The drink of heavenly angels
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The consolation of God the Father
*R* Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The power of the Holy Spirit
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The circumcision of the Gentiles
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The peace of the world
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The sunshine of heaven and earth
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The rainbow in heaven
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The hope of innocent children
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The Word of God in our hearts *R*
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The heavenly weapon *R*
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The Divine Wisdom *R*
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The foundation of the world *R*
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The mercy of God the Father *R*
O most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
Cleanse the sins of the world
O most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
*R*: Refine the world
O most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
*R* Teach us how to console Jesus
Let us Pray
O Precious Blood of our salvation, we believe, hope and trust in You. Deliver all those that are in the hands of the infernal spirits we beseech You. Protect the dying against the works of evil spirits and welcome them into Your eternal glory. Have mercy on the whole world and strengthen us to worship and console the Sacred Heart. We adore you, O Precious Blood of mercy. Amen.
O most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
*R* Heal the wounds in the most Sacred Heart of Jesus. (repeat 3 times)