EZEKIEL 34:11-12, 15-17; PSALM 22; 1CORINTHIANS 15:20-26, 28; MATTHEW 25:31-46 There are four homily notes here; kindly scroll down the page. God bless you! ****************** Fr. Paul Oredipe: In the Loving Service of Christ the King Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai: Proclaiming His Kingship Fada Udochukwu Ibekwe: In what Sense is Christ the King? Fr. […]
Monthly Archives: November 2020
Revelation 11:4-12, Psalm 114, Luke 20:27-40 The questioned raised by the Sadducees refers to an old law in which a man was obliged to marry his brother’s widow to raise up children in his brother’s name to provide a legal heir for the man’s property and to perpetuate the family name. People are transformed […]
Apocalypse 10:8-11; Psalm 119; Luke 19:45-48 “My house shall be a house of prayer; but you have made it a den of robbers” The house of God is the Church, it is a sacred place for worhip that requires utmost reverence. Often times we treat this sacred place like circular halls. Usually, Catholics are […]
APOCALYPSE 5:1-10; PSALM 150; LUKE 19:41-44 In the Gospel Jesus arrives at Jerusalem and he pauses before going in to the city. He felt deep sorrow at its resistance to God’s word, as he foresaw the disaster it would soon face. It is just like looking at this nation and the memories of how things […]
Apocalypse 4:1-11; Psalm 150; Luke 19:11-28 “Holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come.” The first reading speaks about the glory of God and of the praise given him by the host of heaven. The four living creatures represent the four Evangelists and so the images used are the […]
APOCALYPSE 3:1-6, 14-22; PSALM 14; LUKE 19:1-10 In the Gospel, Jesus tells us that his mission is to save those who were lost but, like Zacchaeus, we shall only be saved if we make ourselves available beyond all odds. These odds manifest in different ways; for Zacchaeus it was the crowd but he made himself […]
Apocalypse 1:1-4, 2:1-5; Psalm 1; Luke 18:35-43 In the first reading, the Church in Ephesus is told that even though it worked hard for the faith it does not love as much as it did in the past. We are reminded that we cannot slip back to our old ways but must keep striving forward […]
Prov. 31:10-13.19-20. 30-31; Ps.128; 1Thess.5:1-6; Matt.25:14-30 There are three homily notes here; scroll down the page and be blessed. ******************* Fr. Paul Oredipe: Have no fear in using God’s gift Fr. Evaristus Okeke: A business oriented Christianity! Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai: Our Talents and our salvation. ******************* Fr. Paul Oredipe Have no fear in using […]
3 John 5-8; Psalm 1; Luke 18:1-8 Through the parable of the unscrupulous judge and the poor widow we are told by Christ in the Gospel that God will definitely hear and answer our prayers if we persist. Often times we are easily discouraged when we don’t get desired answer to our prayers. Beloved, we […]
2 John 4-9; Psalm 118; Luke 17:26-37 John reminds us of the great commandment to love one another and the need to guard against false doctrine. The Gospel says like Noah and Lot, we must heed the word of God and be converted today. The best time for conversion is now for we do not […]