Monica Ugheoke


1.    Lessons from the visitation of Angel Gabriel to Mary and it’s implication to family life (Luke 1:26-28).

v The angel was sent to Mary a virgin because God sees the heart. Mary did not defile her body , soul, or spirit. She kept herself pure. Thus pre-marital chastity should never be downplayed.

v Luke 1:35.The Angel Gabriel during the visitation said to Mary that “The Holy Spirit will come upon you. And the power of the Most High will overshadow you. And you will conceive and bring forth a child. You shall call His name Jesus. We should all strive to be Holy, so that like Mary, God can also use us for His service and perform miracles in our lives.

v The angels greeting stated that Mary was highly favoured by God, The Lord is with you , blessed are you among women. We should all emulate mother Mary, so that God will bless us, favour us and be with us and our families.

v Luke 1;38 states Mary’s submission to the will of God. She said behold I am the handmaiden of the Lord, let it be done to me according to God’s will. Let us all accept God’s will and plans for our lives and families.

v Mary was not filled with pride and she did not change her ways after the visitation by Angel Gabriel. Instead she remained humble all her life. We also should emulate Mary and remain humble, despite our wealth, affluence, beauty, knowledge, position, special gifts bestowed to us by God etc. Pride is a sin.

2.  Lessons of Mary’s visit to Elizabeth and it’s implication to family life (Luke 1: 39-56).

v When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greetings, the child leaped in her womb and Elizabeth was filled with and controlled by the Holy Spirit. God  has blessed Mary and filled her with the Holy Spirit. Therefore, when we say the Hail Mary or the Rosary, God has given Mary the grace to hear us and intercede for us. 

v Mary stayed with Elizabeth for three months to help her. We should teach our families not to be lazy. They should love God and love their neighbours. Like Mary we all should be ready to help each other in times of need.

3.    Lessons from Mary’s Magnificat and it’s implication to family life (Luke 1: 46-55).

v The Lord has done great things for me and Holy is His name. Always give glory and thanks to God for His gift of life and other numerous blessings and favours to you and your family. We should learn to thank God from our heart. Thanks God with our time, resources, wealth, money, in ceasing and out of ceasing.

4.    Lessons of Mary’s obedience to Joseph and it’s implication to family life (Luke 2:4-7 ).

Mary obeyed Joseph and followed him for Registration / census and she gave birth of Jesus in a manger); (Luke 2:41).  Like Mary, wives should obey their husbands be patient and accept whatever they can provide and cooperate with them to bring up their children in a godly way.

5.    Lessons from the circumcision, baptism , naming and presentation/ dedication  of Jesus Christ to God by Mary and Joseph and it’s implication to family life ( Luke 2: 21-22).

v Children are gifts from God. Therefore, like Mary and Joseph we should circumcise our male children, baptize all our children and present them for dedication  and thanksgiving in church.

6.     Mary and Joseph took Jesus to attend the Passover feast in Jerusalem every year   (Luke 2:41-42).  Therefore, always take your children and ward to church and church programmes regularly).

7.     Lessons from the wedding feast at Cana of Galilee and it’s implication to family life (John 2:1-5). Mary is an intercessor because she is spirit filled and obeys God.  Jesus hears and obeys her requests. Thus, we can submit our family request through Mary and the heavenly Angels and Host to Jesus and our Almighty Father

8.    Lessons from Mary on the way of Jesus to the cross (John 19:25-27).  Mary and the disciples  followed Jesus on the way to the cross. Jesus said to the disciples, behold your mother.  We are the disciples today and Mary has been given to us by Jesus as our loving Mother 

9.    Lessons from Mary in the upper room with the disciples of Jesus (Acts 1:24; Acts 2). Mary was with the disciples of Jesus praying and the Holy Spirit fell upon them.

v Like Mary and the disciples who obeyed Jesus’s instruction to wait in the upper room till they receive power, we  also as a family should pray without ceasing and always ask God to fill us and our families with power, the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit ; so that we will all live, move and have our beings/ bodies, soul, spirit and our lives controlled by the Holy Spirit. This will make us to worship God in spirit and in truth. And enable us to walk in dominion.

10.    Lessons from the assumption of our Mother Mary (Church dogma in November 1st 1950).

v Example Enoch, Elijah, Moses were assumed into heaven. Revelation 11: 12 states that (The two prophets heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, “come up here”. And they went up to heaven in a cloud, while their enemies watch.

v We also can enjoy such favours, honour and graces  from God if we obey Him and walk in His way


God knows our hearts, thoughts, possessions, desires, appetites, purpose, and endeavours. Individually or as a family, we cannot deceive God. He is “THE HOLY ONE THAT KNOWS EVERTHING”.We should not continue to live in sin (John 5:14). We should like Mother Mary strive to keep our body, soul and spirit pure to worship and serve God and for God to use us as vessels to the glory of His name. We should emulate Mary’s obedience to God and her husband Joseph. Like Mother Mary we should trust God (Psalm 4:4). Any challenge in our lives should be  presented  to God through Mother Mary and the heavenly Angels and  Host. Luke 1: 37 states that for with God, nothing shall be impossible.We should obey God and Pray without ceasing (Thessalonians 5:17). We should raise an alter of worship and praise to God as a family and obey God.  Isaiah 45:22 states that look to me and be saved all the ends of the earth! For I Am God and there is no other. May God continue to help us all and our families to enjoy a firm relationship with God. Amen.

Through Mary our Mother, we succeed.