1Sam 3          


Today’s scripture speaks of the call of Samuel and how he reacted to his call. At first Samuel could not recognize the voice of God. Even at that God had to call him thrice showing that God does not give up on us even when we can’t recognize his presence.  Through the help of  Eli Samuel was later able to heed to the call of God. Sometimes we need a spiritual director to guild us in the right part. God calls or speaks to us daily, but we can’t recognize his voice either because we are not yet grounded in his words or we don’t stop to listen after we pray, we just do the talking and no meditation or because we don’t have a spiritual director. We pray that God will give us the grace to recognize his voice whenever he calls us.


1 Hail Mary, 21 times and Thank you Jesus, 21 times.

2 Bible Study: 1Sam 3

3 Lessons:

1. We can go to church daily BT still don’t kW the lord just like Samuel.

2. We should have a spiritual mentor to guild us in the right part just like Eli .

3. God does not dwell in a noisy place and He will only speak to use when we stop and listen to him when we pray.

 4 Silence (5 to 10 minutes) (write down your own lessons; learn to hear from God and write down whatever God says to you)

5 Intercessory Prayers:

Prayer points

  1. Lord teach us to mediate on your word daily
  2. Helps us Lord to recognize your voice when you speak to us.
  3. My Father and my God help us to acknowledge your will for us.
  4. Lord may we not be carried away by the things of the world.
  5. Lord don’t forsake us, even when we are unable to heed to your call, but continue to call us like Samuel until we recognize you.

6 The Litany to the Precious Blood of Jesus (as given on the first day)

7 Memory verse: Hebrews 3:1

Therefore, holy brothers and sisters, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus, whom we acknowledge as our apostle and high priest.

Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai



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