Acts 4:1-12; Psalm 118; John 21:1-14

Today’s readings present us with salvation as the basic theme. In first reading with an uncommon boldness Peter noted that “The name of Jesus Christ is the only one by which we can be saved”. Beloved, there is no salvation in any other name; be careful the names you invoke at prayers – the popular tendency shows that many Christians today  invoke the name of their pastors during prayers. Salvation is in the name of Jesus. Similarly, the theme of salvation was demonstrated by Peter’s obedience to the Lord’s instruction. Following that instruction Peter hauled a net full of large quantity of fish; a perfect demonstration of how Peter will drag men from the world to the Lord – from sin  to salvation.  Lord, have mercy and save us.


Almighty ever-living God, who gave us the Paschal Mystery in the covenant you established for reconciling the human race, so dispose our minds, we pray, that what we celebrate by professing the faith we may express in deeds. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever.

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