ACTS 13:13-25/PSALM 89:2-3,21,22,25,27/ JOHN 13:16-20
“Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him” (John 13:16). Service is what makes a servant relevant. Jesus recounted severally in this gospel that he is one with the Father; because he came to do what the Father sent him. Christ is a model of service, St. Catherine of Siena whose memorial we celebrate today is another model of service. Thus, followers of Jesus are called to serve. Service makes us one with him. Again, we are called to be humbled especially in a society that celebrates pride. The first reading tells us how Paul became a preacher after his conversion. Beloved, no one is greater than the Master – Jesus Christ. If he could serve to the point of washing the feet of his disciples then we should serve irrespective of humiliation.
O God, who set Saint Catherine of Siena on fire with divine love in her contemplation of the Lord’s Passion and her service to your Church, grant, through her intercession, that your people, participating in the mystery of Christ, may ever exult in the revelation of his glory. Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever.