1Sam 8:7 And the LORD told him: “Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king.
A man’s life is at its best shape when the place of God in his life remains intact. It is the first thing that matters in the life of a man and it is not negotiable. Every other thing is secondary. When a man refuses to place God as his first priority, the devil makes such a man as his first priority. God has been the king of the people of Israel. That gave them great and marvelous victories in all the battles with their rivals and they became a nation greatly feared in the earth territory. But here they are today asking for a human-king, because they likened themselves to other nations of the earth. When God takes charge of you don’t compare yourself to others. Do not measure your successes with the standard of the world.
1 Hail Mary, 21 times and Thank you Jesus, 21 times.
2 Bible Study: 1Sam 8
3 Lessons:
1. Do not emulate the styles of the sons of this world. True sons of God are guided by Kingdom principles.
2. When you refuse to place God as your first priority, the devil makes you his first priority.
3. That you are not seeing God’s steps with you in the wilderness does not mean He is not walking with you. Perhaps, He may have lifted you on his shoulders. Let him see you through, HE DOES NOT FAIL.
4 Silence (5 to 10 minutes) (write down your own lessons; learn to hear from God and write down whatever God says to you)
5 Intercessory Prayers:
Prayer points
- Ask God for mercy and forgiveness in areas you have given out His place to other things.
- Ask Him to come take his place in your life.
- Rebuke every ways the devil is seducing you with the standards of this world.
- Pray for grace to be strong and fervent in the Lord, no matter your situation.
- Ask God to keep far from you situations that would make you question / doubt the presence of God in your life.
The Litany to the Precious Blood of Jesus (as given on the first day)
Memory verse: 1Sam 8:7 And the LORD told him: “Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king.
Bro. Saliu Mark
Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai
Lord, have mercy on us
Lord, have mercy on us
Christ, have mercy on us
Christ, have mercy on us Lord, have mercy on us
Lord, have mercy on us
Christ, hear us
Christ, graciously hear us
God, the Father of heaven
have mercy on us
God the Son, Redeemer of the world *
God, the Holy Spirit *
Holy Trinity, One God *
O most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, the Blood of Salvation
*Cover us and the whole world.*
The ocean of the Blood of Jesus Christ
*set us free*( *R* your response)
The Blood of Jesus Christ,
Full of holiness and compassion *R*
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
Our strength and power
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The Everlasting Covenant *R*
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The foundation of the Christian faith *R*
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The armor of God *R*
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The Divine Charity *R*
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The scourge of demons *R*
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, The help of those in bondage *R*
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The sacred wine *R*
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The power of Christians *R*
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The defender of the Catholic wall *R*
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The Christian’s true faith *R*
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The healing blood
*save us* (Response)
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The anointing blood
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The boldness of the children of God
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The commander of Christian warriors
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The blood of resurrection
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The drink of heavenly angels
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The consolation of God the Father
*R* Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The power of the Holy Spirit
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The circumcision of the Gentiles
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The peace of the world
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The sunshine of heaven and earth
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The rainbow in heaven
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The hope of innocent children
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The Word of God in our hearts *R*
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The heavenly weapon *R*
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The Divine Wisdom *R*
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The foundation of the world *R*
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ,
The mercy of God the Father *R*
O most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
Cleanse the sins of the world
O most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
*R*: Refine the world
O most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
*R* Teach us how to console Jesus
*Let us Pray*
O Precious Blood of our salvation, we believe, hope and trust in You. Deliver all those that are in the hands of the infernal spirits we beseech You. Protect the dying against the works of evil spirits and welcome them into Your eternal glory. Have mercy on the whole world and strengthen us to worship and console the Sacred Heart. We adore you, O Precious Blood of mercy. Amen.
O most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
*R* Heal the wounds in the most Sacred Heart of Jesus. (repeat 3 times)