OVERCOMING THE WORLD THE RISE AND FALL OF SAUL DAY SIX 1 Sam. 13 MEDITATION This chapter tells us that Samuel rebukes Saul. The story of Saul is a frustrating one but also very instructive. Saul did so well at the start, he was humble; responsible; relied on God’s Spirit; he was a good leader. […]
Monthly Archives: May 2021
ACTS 15:7-21; PSALM 96; JOHN 15:9-11 “Remain in my love” Jesus asked his disciples to remain in his love. How can this be? We can remain in his love only when we keep his commandments. We cannot claim to love God and not keep his commandments. In the first reading, the early Church practiced love. […]
THE RISE AND FALL OF SAUL DAY FIVE 1 Sam. 12 MEDITATION This chapter presents us with Samuel’s farewell speech to the people as their former leader. Samuel was an example of a good leader who finished well. This is in contrast to Saul who had a good start but did not finish well. Heavenly […]
ACTS 15:1-6, PSALM 122 AND JOHN 15:1-8 The branches depend on the stem for survival; but the stem does not depend on its branches for survival. Jesus himself says in John.15:5 apart from me you can do nothing. St Paul imitates these words in Phil.4:13 I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me. […]
OVERCOMING THE WORLD: THE RISE AND FALL OF SAUL DAY four 1 Sam. 11 MEDITATION The personality of Saul has been the primary focus of our study. We saw how Saul rose to power and now Saul is given the opportunity to manifest his leadership skills. God used Saul to fulfill his leadership roles. As […]
Acts 14:19-28; Psalm 144; John 14:27-31 John 14:27 says “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” Christ gift of peace is not a state, but a relationship. It […]
OVERCOMING THE WORLD DAY THREE 1 Sam.10 MEDITATION At Baptism, the Oils of Catechumen and Chrism represent salvation as well as the strength and power that come from Christ our savior and the participation in the priesthood of Christ, membership in the body of Christ and to share in his eternal life. In today’s reading, […]
1CORINTHIANS 15:1-8; PSALM 19; JOHN 14:6-14 The first reading speaks of the Lord’s appearance to James, then to all the Apostles. Last of all, the Lord appeared to Paul. Beloved, the Lord’s appearance to his apostles doubles as a mandate for them to witness to him. Our encounter with Jesus must be reflected in our […]
Padre Thomas OYODE (Musings on Naija, May 1, 2021) She cares little, this giggling nude toddler Look! Like birds in the sky children walk the street Unfettered ’bout how to put garri on the table Kpim! War rudely visits, calm takes a swift flight Boy, you’re ready with the price to take mama’s […]
OVERCOMING THE WORLD DAY TWO 1 Sam.9 MEDITATION When you go through the passage, you will discover that sometimes God permit some unpleasant things do happen in our lives just for a greater good, like the donkeys of Kish got missing for a purpose which is to lead Saul to Samuel (1sam 9:16) And one important […]