GENESIS 21:5, 8-20; PSALM 34; MATTHEW 8:28-34
In the Gospel, Jesus drove out demons from two demoniacs into a herd of swine that eventually destroyed in the sea. The people of that territory refused to accept the transformation they saw and so they asked Jesus to leave. Oftentimes we are not different from this people; we are afraid to experience the transformation we are praying for because of the profit we make from injustice and lies. Somehow we just have to sacrifice certain things we hold so dear so that the society can be a better place. We just have to sacrifice our pride, pleasure and position so that we can preserve better human relationship. Even Abraham in the first reading had to let go of Hagar and Ishmael for the sake of Sarah and Isaac. It was not an easy decision for Abraham but he did it for the greater good. What is that thing you must let go in order to secure a better future?
Give us the knowledge and prudence which will enable us to live our life well. Teach us to know our own weaknesses that we may ever be on our guard against them. Teach us to know our own strengths that we may use, to the full, the gifts and talents which you have given us. Help us to share a loving concern for each other at all times. Above all, Lord, help us to really know you through Christ our Lord. Amen