LEVITICUS 23:1, 4-11, 15-16, 27, 34-37; PSALM 81; MATTHEW 13:54-58
“A prophet is not without honour, except in his own country.” Jesus made this statement because his own people did not accept him when he visited his home town. He did not work many miracles amongst them because of their lack of faith. Beloved in Christ, our faith determines our fate. Faith and healing are both gifts from God; but faith comes before healing and so, if we refuse faith then we also refuse healing. If we dishonour a true prophet then we cannot attract his “covering”. Beloved, let us learn to honour and respect our spiritual leaders. Through them God delivers his message to his people. The first reading demonstrated this role in Moses’ obedience to God’s instruction on the solemn festival of Passover and Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement).
Heavenly Father, we are poor and miserable sinners. We know your will, but we are too weak to fulfill it. Our flesh and blood hold us back, and our enemy the devil will not leave us in peace. Pour your Holy Spirit in our hearts, that with steadfast faith we may cling to your Son Jesus Christ and live as overcomers.