Numbers 20:1-13; Psalm 95; Matthew 16:13-23
The Israelite criticized Moses and Aaron because they had no water to drink. No doubt water is very essential, but the Israelites’ approach was not the best. As a result, Moses and Aaron went into prayer and God instructed them to order the rock to produce water. Moses struck the rock twice as different from what the Lord commanded and for that reason they were told that they will not lead the people into the Promised Land. Obviously, Moses did not finish well. There are basic lessons here; 1. To finish well, when people criticize you or your service take refuge in the Lord’s presence. 2. To finish well, deal with your besetting sin. Studies has it that Moses had a lifelong anger problem that led him to this tragic failure (Exod. 2:11-12). 3. To finish well, develop the habit of obedience in what may seem to be relatively small. Do not despise little things. 4. To finish well, we must give God all the glory. In their case, they arrogated the glory to themselves (Num. 20:10).
Beloved, God ways are not our ways. If we are open to God’s ways at all times we shall finish well. Jesus said to Peter in the Gospel “Get behind me, Satan! You are an obstacle in my path, because the way you think is not God’s way but man’s.” Beloved, let us learn to be open to the ways of God. O that today you would listen to his voice! ‘Harden not your hearts.’ (Ps.95:8)
Father, we thank you for every benefits we have received, through you Son Jesus Christ give us the grace to do your will and to follow you at all times. By the power of the Holy Spirit help us to finish well. Amen