DANIEL 7:9-10, 13-14; PSALM 97; 2PETER 1:16-19; MARK 9:2-10
Today the Church celebrates the feast of Transfiguration. Transfiguration comes from the Latin roots ‘trans’ (across) and ‘figura’ (form, shape). It signifies a change of form or shape. Many people want to change their shape today. Many persons are rushing to Gym houses to lose weight and build new figures or to maintain their figures. If we run to Jesus in prayers the way we run to gym houses we shall not be disfigured spiritually. At the Transfiguration Jesus’ figure changed and his clothes became dazzling white. Daniel captured this experience in the first reading when he described a white robe as the garment of God. Similarly, Peter narrated his experience of the transfiguration as an eyewitness in the second reading. He made it clear that they did not follow cleverly devised myths but heard the voice of the Father affirming Jesus as His beloved Son, with whom He is well pleased. There are basic lessons here:
1. The Transfiguration took place in order to strengthen the faith of the apostles so that in the days of the Lord’s passion, scandal and trials they will not be disfigured. Similarly, every divine encounter equips us to overcome future trials and fears. Divine encounter aligns us better!
2.The Transfiguration took place at the mountain top. Climbing a mountain requires a lot of determination and endurance. Therefore, we are to remain determined as we climb the mountains of life. Never give up; for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.
3.The transfiguration is a call to listen to Jesus. We must learn to listen to Jesus. The information we receive often determines our deformation or transformation. If we listen to him; we shall be transformed and not deformed. If we listen to him we shall be transfigured and not disfigured.
4. The Transfiguration is a call to dwell in God’s presence. Peter said “It is good for us to be here.” God’s presence remains unmatched and in his presence we are empowered, strengthened and transformed.
Father, as we listen to your Son’s voice today may we merit to become coheirs with him and as we go through our earthly sojourn keep us true so that we may not be disfigured. Amen.