Jonah 3 :1-10; Psalm 130; Luke 10:38-42
The Gospel reading presents us with one of the encounters Jesus had with Martha and Mary. While Jesus was in their house Martha was distracted with much serving and Mary was attentive to him. “Mary has chosen the good portion, which shall not be taken away from her”, Jesus said. Martha’s distraction continues in many of us today. Oftentimes, Church functionaries are so distracted all in the name of serving during the liturgy. Some Church wardens, Altar servers and the likes are so busy that they dont listen to God’s word. Beloved, if we don’t listen we cannot serve well. In the first reading, the Ninevites listened to God’s message as proclaimed by Jonah and repented. When next you serve don’t forget the better part.
Lord Jesus Christ, help us to do your will. Direct our actions and bring our conducts under your divine influence. Many are the distractions of our days. Give us grace to overcome them so that our services may be not be in vain. Amen.