TEXT: MATT 6:33; COL3:1-2

Activities abound in christendom. Some among them produces gains that are eternal to the soul of man, while some yield benefits that are limited to time ie earthly. Many prioritize and are busied with power pursuit, fame, miracles and lots more. These are pleasure that are devoid of eternal satisfaction. The right pursuance of these are not sinful per se, but should not be undertaken at the expense of such that are eternal. Things that directly bothers on the salvation of souls should take the prime of place.

The gospel of Christ which is the power of God unto salvation (Rom.1:16),suffers most amongst this generation of Christians. Efforts of the majority is geared towards the mundane even on the pulpit. This largely accounts why conforming to the full image of the Son elusive to believers. The souls are malnourished with the immaterials. This present situation, has informed the question as in the caption above ‘WHAT ARE YOUR PRIORITIES AS A BELIEVER’ ?

It is expedient that every consumer of this piece, should personalise this question and heed the injunction in the main scriptural text above, and get your priorities repositioned alright. May the grace of the Lord abide with us through Christ our Lord Amen.



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