ROMANS 8:12-17; PSALM 68; LUKE 13:10-17


In the Gospel, Jesus heals a woman who was bent over for 18 years. Was her condition caused by freewill, human structure or a demon? Her condition was not due to her own freewill but a demonic force sustained by human structure.

Some physical disorders may be due to man’s freewill or the weight of the past, sorrows, resentment, guilt and unforgiveness. We may have been bent over because we live according to the flesh. We suffer certian addictions for years becuase we fail to live by the spirit. St. Paul reminds us in today’s first reading that if we live according to the flesh we shall die; but if we live according to the Spirit we shall live. Therefore, as children of God let us follow the dictates of the Spirit.

Again, some physical disorder are caused or sustained by bad policies and government. The behaviour of the pharisees in today’s gospel shows that there are some human attitudes and judgements which are capable of enslaving us. The disorder in this country today is a function of bad policies that are celebrated by most politicians and leaders. May we find the grace to uninstall evil structures so that we can be saved.

Lastly, this woman’s condition was caused by a demon. Jesus confirmed it in the gospel that she had a spirit of infirmity for eighteen years. This means that some physical disorders are caused by demonic spirits. There are some demons that spread phyiscal and spiritual paralysis. But for those who trust in God no condition is permanent. It may have lasted for years, it may be eating deep into your resources but if you trust in God you shall be saved. Today’s psalm reminds us that “This God of ours is a God who saves.” So, that day shall come when God will arise and his foes shall be crippled. Therefore, as you come to Jesus daily do not fall into the habit of routine but be open, be expectant and live according to the Spirit.


Lord Jesus, heal us today we pray; we have carried our burdens for years; our sufferings may have been caused by our own free will or by a demonic spirit. Lord you have the power to heal and to save. Therefore Lord, free us from every attack, sicknesses and diseases; free us also from all human attitudes and judgments which imprison and enslave us. Amen.

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