PHILIPPIANS 1:18-26; PSALM 42; LUKE 14:1, 7-11
“Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” Jesus told this parable in the Gospel when he saw how the people chose and dragged places of honour in a feast. Today, some people have built their lives around particular seats and offices. Is it not called Chairman? Beloved, without the chair you are still a man. Others; Rectors, Deans, HODs, Apostles, Priests, Presidents, Governors, etc. In today’s parable, Jesus is saying that whether you sit at the high table or the low table be a humble person. I am Fr Daniel irrespective of where I sit down in an occasion. Pope Francis is the Pope whether he stays in the Pope’s apartment or not, you are the laity chairman irrespective of where you sit. So, whether low or high table be humble and when you leave any of the tables you shall be exalted.
Again, the high table should not make you “high” to the point of seeing those around you as nobody. The low table should not drive you into low self-esteem to the point of being intimidated by all those around. Therefore, be humble person; irrespective of the ‘chair’ or ‘table’ you shall be exhausted.
Lord Jesus Christ you are meek and humble of heart. We pray for the grace to be meek and humble. Give us the wisdom to remain child-like not childish.
Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai