Wisdom 7:22-8:1; Psalm 119; Luke 17:20-25
Jesus tells the Pharisees in the Gospel that the kingdom has come yet they failed to realize it. We need to realize that we can actually have a foretaste of heaven here on earth when we live as brothers and sisters. Beloved, the kingdom of God is already among us let us not waste time looking for signs but live as members of that kingdom. The example of St. Martin of Tours is given to us today as a further illustration. He was the first bishop and confessor honored by the Church in the West. Against the wishes of his parents he associated with Christians and became a catechumen at the age of ten. He joined the Army much latter and while in the service he met a poor naked beggar whom he clothed with his soldier’s mantle. Eventually, Christ appeared to him clothed with half a mantle and said, “Martin, the catechumen, has clothed Me with this mantle!” Friends in Christ, we see the kingdom in the ordinary things of life, we see the kingdom in the spirit of communion and service. St Martin of Tours, pray for us.
Lord, I need your spirit to remind me always that this life is not all about me but you. Help me Lord to live in peace and harmony with those around me so that when your Kingdom comes to completion I will be numbered among the saints. Amen.