1Samuel 1:24-28; Psalm – 1Samuel 2:1, 4-8; Luke 1:46-56 Hannah (Samuel’s mother) was barren and had implored the Lord in earnest and fervent prayers to give her a child. Eventually, the Lord blessed her with a son and after she had weaned the infant Samuel, she brought the child to the temple at Shiloh in […]
Monthly Archives: December 2021
SONGS 2:8-14; PSALM 32; LUKE 1:39-45 In the Gospel, Mary travels to the hill country of Judah to be with her cousin, Elizabeth. This visit brought joy to the home of Elizabeth. We too can be agents of divine visitation to others; bringing joy, love and peace to them. During this season, endeavour to […]
ISAIAH 7:10-14; PSALM 24; LUKE 1:26-38 Nine months before Jesus was born, the angel Gabriel was sent to the Virgin Mary to announce the conception of the Son of God by the power of the Holy Spirit. Mary said “Yes” to God’s will- a fulfilment of the prophecy in the first reading. Beloved, how often […]
THE VISIT OF THE WISE MEN: A CHRISTMAS MESSAGE DELIVERED BY FR. DANIEL EVBOTOKHAI AT ST. THERESA CATHOLIC CHURCH, FUGAR. 19/12/2021 TEXT: MATTHEW 2:1-12 The Visit of the Wise Men 1.Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, […]
MICAH 5.2-5/PSALM80/ HEB 10:5-10/LK.1:39-45 ********************************* There are three homily notes here; scroll down the page. You can equally press the red bell button at the left hand side of the page to subscribe so that you can always receive notification whenever there is an upload. Leave us with your comments and suggestions or chat us […]
The truth of the matter is that we do not know where Omicron originates from. There is no identifiable ‘’patient Zero’’- a first person known to have been infected with the variant. A group of South African laboratory Scientists reported the discovering of new SARS- CoV-2 virus to the World Health Organization on […]
Jeremiah 23:5-8; Psalm 72; Matthew 1:18-24 Jeremiah prophesied that a descendent of King David will reign as the true king. This prophecy was fulfilled in Jesus Christ. However, this did not just happen at random; the gospel speaks of the union of Joseph and Mary. It hinted on the tight spot Joseph found himself […]
PARENTAL BLESSING GENESIS 49:2, 9-10; PSALM 72; MATTHEW 1:1-17 In the first reading we see Jacob blessing his twelve sons prior to his death. The reading focuses on the blessing of his son Judah. Jacob says that the sceptre shall not pass from Judah until the one to whom it rightfully belong comes. The Gospel […]