1Samuel 24:3-21; Psalm 57; Mark 3:13-19
In the gospel, Jesus chooses his twelve apostles. The number twelve refers to the twelve tribes of Israel and Jesus’ use of it reveals his intention to create a new Israel, the new people of God established as a Church. The old Israel failed in many areas. The first reading speaks of Saul’s failure and anomalies towards David. However, presented with an opportunity to eliminate Saul, David rather respected and honoured Saul. David turned such singular opportunity into moment of reunion and reconciliation. Beloved, this is the Christian vocation. We are called to exercise the ministry of forgiveness. Our goal is not to eliminate the enemy; rather we are to desire their conversion and salvation. The Bible says in Ezek 18:23 that God is not interested in the death of a wicked man; rather let him turn from his evil ways and live. King Saul failed but as the new priest, prophet, and king who has been called by Christ at baptism is there any hope? St. Agnes of Rome, pray for us.
Lord God, we ask for protection as we begin this day. You are our hiding place, and under your wings we find refuge. Protect us from troubles wherever we go, and keep evil far from us. Give us a humble heart to yield to your instructions and the spirit to always honour your anointed. Amen.