2 Samuel 1:1-4, 11-12, 17, 19, 23-27; Psalm 80; Mark 3:20-21
The gospel reading plainly demonstrated how Christ gave himself to the people. Christ served the people passionately, fervently and ardently that his own people felt “He has gone out of his mind.” Beloved, serving God and people literally appears as if one is out of his mind. But in truth what seems like madness to the world is wisdom in the sight of God. The first reading tells us how David mourns the death of Saul and Jonathan. It shows the tragic end of a man who came to the throne humble but left it hard-bitten and hard-nosed against God and man. It shows the sad print of how the mighty have fallen in battle. We too can fall if we are not submissive to the One who brought us to the throne.
Father, help us to remain submissive to your majesty. May we be ardent and fervent in the services we render. By the power of the Holy Spirit break the spirit of pride and vainglory in us. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.