2 Samuel 5:1-7, 10; Psalm 89; Mark 3:22-30
“A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand.” This statement was the response of Jesus to those who called him Beelzebub. The kingdom of God is here, but if Christians do not stand together in one accord there will be chaos and anarchy. Apostle Paul says to each is given the manifestation of the spirit for the common good – the Kingdom of God (1Cor.12:7). Let us build and not destroy. Saul destroyed the kingdom given to him; but David rebuilt and reawaken the drooping spirit of the Israelites. St. Francis De Sales whose memorial we celebrate today contributed to the building up of God’s Kingdom. What are you waiting for?
Father, have mercy and save us. Through Jesus Christ your Son teach us the ways of the saints and by the power of the Holy Spirit may we overcome all obstacles and trials. Amen.