Mathew 13 :1-9
This gospel passage is an account of the Galileans who suffered misfortunes under the regime of Herod. Those he mingled their blood with sacrifices and those that the tower of Siloam collapsed upon. Jesus responded that their misfortune was not due to their more grievous sins but for the witnesses, an opportunity for stock taking and repentance.
In this present world, we are eye witnesses of many who had suffered similar calamities. Sheer loss of lives and properties are still going on. Many have been rendered poor, homeless and helpless, under the weight of insurgency, Covid -19 and bandictry. The calamity is still on and hovering to descend on any at unexpected moments. It could be you but grace has kept you for now. This implies that God is still graciously patient with you perhaps you will repent. This is just a period of grace for you. Jesus further examplifies this in the parable he made of an unproductive fig tree, which if fails to bear fruit within its period of grace ,stands to be cut down.
It was a three year life span and a year period of grace for the fig tree. How can we evaluate the unfruitful years we have spent on earth thus far? Can we also tell the possible time of grace that is left with us ? Jesus says in Luke 13 :5, that ” unless you repent, you shall all likewise perish “. Let us apply our hearts to wisdom in this regard and being much aware that man born of a woman is of few days on earth. (See Job 14:1; ps 39:4-5 and 90 : 12)
Lord in your mercy , help us to realize and make wise use of our period of grace. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Appolonia U. Nwachukwu