DANIEL 3:25, 34-43; PSALM 25; MATTHEW 18:21-35
“Let our sacrifice to you today be a contrite soul and humbled spirit.” Azariah stood in the heart of the fire and prayed. Can we pray in the midst of crisis and suffering? Azariah spoke to God from within the furnace and asked God for mercy. Similarly, the Psalmist prays “Remember your mercy, Lord.” Beloved, if God must remember his mercy we too must be merciful. Today’s gospel presents us with the fate of the Unforgiving Servant, like the “Lord’s Prayer” this narrative further illustrates the importance of forgiveness. As Christians, forgiveness is our business. If we do not forgive we betray Christ. Forgiveness primarily heals our own hearts. Unforgiveness has self-defeating and self-destructive tendencies. Forgiveness is something that everyone needs, eager to receive and very hard to give. Lastly, forgiveness is divine bargain. If we must be forgiven, we must forgive others.
May your unfailing compassion, O Lord, cleanse and protect your Church, and, since without you she cannot stand secure, may she be always governed by your grace. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen