ISAIAH 49:8-15, PSALM 145, JOHN 5:17-30
Thus says the Lord: At the favourable time I will answer you, on the day of salvation I will help you (Isaiah 49:8). Isaiah speaks of God’s care and compassion. Let us not give up on God – He cares for us. Again, we must learn to care for ourselves. In the Gospel Jesus tells us that “My Father is still working, and I also am working.” This statement shows Jesus’ relationship with the Father. Jesus spoke of God as a loving father with whom he related closely and confidently. The work of one is the work of the other. His dealings made the people to understand who God is. Thus, Jesus is God physically expressed. Our relationship with people ought to enhance their knowledge of God. We too should be Jesus presently at work in all facets of life. Beloved; keep working to make the world a better place and attract many to salvation.
O Lord, my God you are my refuge and my strength. You are my ever-present help in times of trouble. Teach me to relate well with friends and family. When it seems like my world is crumbling around me and I am thrown around by the storms of my life, take away my fear. When I am weak, you are my strength. When I am vulnerable, you are my refuge. When I cry for help, you will answer. Remind me Lord that you are always with me, you will never leave or forsake me. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.