πππ ππππππ ππ πππ πππππ (Homily, 22/5/2022)
Todayβs gospel forms part of farewell speeches of Jesus Christ. While speaking about his departure he in John14:27 Jesus says; βPeace I leave with you; my peace I give you; I do not give you as the world givesβ. Jesus could have given them houses, landed properties and more. But in his wisdom he gave them peace. The best legacy a father can leave for his children is peace. Peace is the beauty of life. Without peace material success will be in shamble. Parents need to learn from Jesus, do not depart this world without peace in your family. Today many children fight over their Fatherβs properties; siblings drag family lands, pension and gratuity funds.
Jesus offers us peace, not peace that comes from the world, obtained by means of security personnel or otherwise. This kind of peace only leaves us with a sense of insecurity and tension. Jesus offers us the peace that comes with heavenly joy. The Church celebrates this peace throughtout the mass and during the Lord’s prayer, the priest repeat the very words of Jesus saying; “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.” Then, he calls to offer each other the sign of peace.
The Scriptures prays for peace in Ps.122:6-8 βfor the peace of Jerusalem pray: βPeace be to your homes! May peace reign in your walls, in your palaces peace!β For love of my brethren and friends I say βPeace upon you. We pray for peace in our borders, palaces and families. Amen.
Jesus equally promised the disciples the Holy Spirit. In John14:26 He says; the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you. The Holy Spirit teaches us the truth. Especially in our present day where many voices are teaching, preaching and praying, may the Holy Spirit lead us to the complete truth. The first reading shows the function of the Holy Spirit in search for the truth. Through the Holy Spirit the Apostles were able to decide the faith and practice of the new believers.
Wisdom is often attributed to the aged but in Jesus we saw a young man who was teaching a congregation of elders. Luke 2:46-47 tells us that Jesus was sitting among teachers, listening to them and asking them questions and all who heard Him were amazed at His understanding and His answers. In Acts of the Apostles the Apostles became experts in teaching and preaching the word of God because of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit works more for us today!
Again, Jesus says the Holy Spirit brings to our remembrance: Remembrance is a memory of something that happened in the past. A man who lacks knowledge of his past can’t avert future crisis. The Holy Spirit brings to our remembrance all that Jesus said. The Holy Spirit reminds us of the Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scriptures.
Study: ACTS 15:1-2,22-29/PS.67:2-3,5,6,8/REV.21:10-14,22-23/JOHN 14:23-29
Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai