1Kings 21:1-16/Ps.5/ MATTHEW 5:38-42

Jesus said to his disciples “you have heard how it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, but I say to you, Do not resist one who is evil” (Matt. 5:38-39). Jesus cited this old law called lex talionis the law of tit for tat which far from being a bloodthirsty law, is in fact the beginning of mercy. (Exd.21:23-25). Today this law is highly misinterpreted. There are three things we must bear in mind about this law. 

1. The goal of the law was justice through the limitation of vengeance 

2. It was not meant for private individual to extract vengeance; rather it was for judges to access punishment and penalty. 

3. It was never carried out literally; otherwise it will reverse justice. Therefore, let us be mindful of the way we interpret the Bible. Misinterpretation does more harm than the sword. With the recent attacks in Churches many pastors are beginning to canvass their members for war. 

Jesus, the perfecter of the law moves from the old law of limited vengeance to a spirit of non-retaliation. Throughout his suffering and ministry Jesus did not tolerate evil and he did not apply force and violence. As the Lion of the tribe of Judah (Rev.5:5) he could have retaliated but he did not because he is the Lamb of God (John1:29). As the Mighty one in battle (Ps.24:8) he could have fought for himself; but he did not because he is the Prince of peace (Isaiah9:6). As the Chief Judge (John5:22) he could have ordered deadly penalty; but he forgave his murderers (Luke 23:34). In John 18:10 when Jesus was arrested Peter slashed off the ear of Malchus; but Jesus said to him Peter sheath your sword. Beloved in Christ, no doubt we have right to self defense but we must not be quick to use the sword. Jesus says sheath your sword. No where did he say use the sword. 

So, we must understand the actual meaning of self defense and conduct ourselves becomingly. In the name of self defense many are already street fighters. Our real self defense should be self control, self discipline, self education and our permanent voter’s card (PVC). 

It is good to protest; but we must ensure that our protest is peaceful. There are many nonviolent methods for ensuring peace. Our problem is that we are not elightened enough to execute them. M. K. Gandhi noted; “An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind”. Beloved, we must express Christ in all things. We must not be violent to restore our world. In the first reading, Jezebel took Naboth’s land by violence and gave it to her husband. She killed Naboth and secured his land. Naboth means fruitfulness, Jezebel is a spirit against fruitfulness. This evil was later seen in the death of Ahab. Violence has never been the best option for believers.  

Lastly, The Church celebrates the memorial of St. Anthony of Padua today. He grew up in the radical disposition and spirit of Elijah. Through his intercession may we find grace to follow Christ. St. Anthony, pray for us.  


O God, strength of those who hope in you, graciously hear our pleas, and, since without you we can do nothing, grant us always the help of your grace, that in following your commands we may succeed in all ways. Amen.

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