2 KINGS 2:1, 6-14; PSALM 31; MATTHEW 6:1-6, 16-18


Today’s gospel speaks about religious worship. Jesus reminds us of the three “hall-marks” of genuine worship: prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Jesus warns his disciples not to indulge in any form of display so as to attract the admiration of others. Fasting and other works of piety are directed towards God, not men. Don’t try to impress anybody; just please God. When you pray don’t pray like the Pharisees, when you give alms don’t do it grudgingly but cheerfully.

Lastly, the first reading tells us how Elijah was taken up to heaven after his earthly sojourn. The goal of worship is heaven. Worship should lead us to heaven not men. Therefore, let us make every effort to abstain from distractions during worhsip. Elisha did not give in to the distractions that came his way when he followed his master – Elijah. He remained steadfast and focused until he received a double portion of Elijah’s anointing.


Let us pray

Father, have mercy and save us. Help us to rise as true worshipers. Give us the grace to overcome the distractions that come our way and  May we find heaven after our earthly sojourn.  Amen

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