Homily for Monday of the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time

2 Kings 17:5-8, 13-15, 18; Psalm 59; Matthew 7:1-5

“Do not judge, so that you may not be judged”. We hear this instruction every day of our lives! Often times we are quick to notice what others have done wrong but slow to recognize the same failures or worse ones in ourselves. Today’s gospel rejects hypocrisy; it rejects harsh and hasty judgment and desires us to have compassion towards the weaknesses of others. Again, “judge not” does not suggest relaxation of laws or disciplines. It is not an absolute statement against judgement but a call to pass honest judgement.  

Looking at the behavior of the people of Israel in the first reading, one will be quick to condemn their actions. Even though God freed them from slavery in Egypt they equally sinned against God and were exiled for the second time. But oftentimes, we behave like them. At one point we are remorseful soon after that we repeat our sins. Therefore, if we must grow, we must walk the path of interior conversion. 


Father, have mercy and save us. May we not be put to shame because of our appetite. Amen.

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