💍 🌺
Marriage no easy o! I am not married; but I was born into a family and I live and work in the society. With my few years in ministry, pastoral life and studies it has become so clear that bringing two people from uncommon backgrounds to stay together for years is not an easy task.
But I am yet to admit that it is more difficult than the priesthood. You can rack your brain about this. But for me, they are two sides of the same coin. It is said that marriage is like a groundnut; you have to crack it to see what is inside, so it is with the priesthood. Anyways; that’s for another day.
Let’s continue with marriage.
You don’t have to go to a university to acquire a certificate in marriage before going into marriage. You may major in it as a profession but in practice you need grace and wisdom. When it comes to living as couple there are numerous stories and you have your own story(ies) as well.
Don’t decide on who to marry over a bottle of beer, or a plate of fried rice and chicken, washed down with cold Hollandia Yogurt. ‘Marriage matter pass eatery and beer palour’. Marriage goes beyond the photoshoots and celebrity plays and scenes you see on social media.
Marriage is a vocation that requires couples to accept certain obligations toward each other, their children, and the society. If you look at some children you can easily tell the marital behavior of their parents. Being a vocation, it means that the choice of a life partner should not be influenced by externalities (Riches and looks). Engage in a process of discernment; through active prayers, counseling and reasoning. Again, I have come to realize that getting married is nothing, it is assuming the RESPONSIBILITIES of marriage that count. Are you ready for that?
No perfect couple anywhere but with the help of God through the keys of perseverance and sacrifice many celebrate years together. We applaud couples who are enjoying the fruit of their perseverance and sacrifice today! Some would have quitted at their earlier stages but a little patience stirred their marital lives for better. However, do not hesitate to call for help from the appropriate quarters when “water don pass garri” or when “the proximity of H20 has exceeded the proximity of the granulated cassava flakes”
My prayers go to all married couples out there; especially those at the verge of breaking, may you find strength and wisdom!
To all singles, who are curious and anxious about the possibility of a successful marriage, may your quest be satisfied with the right choice of a life partner.
And for all those, due for marriage but struggling with certain attitudes, habits and spiritual attacks, may God come through for you.
Father Daniel