Arrogance and pride
Ezekiel 28:1-10; Psalm – Deuteronomy 32; Matthew 19:23-30
In the first reading, the Prince of Tyre was clouded by his possessions and he looked down on God and man. He was full of himself, calls himself a god who sits on the throne. Without realizing that he was a mere mortal and an unwise ruler. Ezekiel prophesied against him. And so he was punished by God for his pride and arrogance. Beloved, wealth is good but don’t allow it to destroy your relationship with God and man. Don’t look down on anybody because you are rich.
Similarly, Jesus tells us in the gospel that it is difficult for a rich man to enter heaven. The one who has accumulated wealth without amassing grace will definitely find it difficult to enter heaven. There are many wealthy people who are very humble and simple. Andrew Murray says; “Pride must die in you, or nothing of heaven can live in you.” Let us seek to have a balanced attitude towards wealth so that we don’t miss our ultimate goal in life. We need wealth to live comfortably in this life; but over and above that, we need Christ to live comfortably forever.
Lord Jesus, simple and humble King, save us from arrogance, teach us to model after your eminence and banish all lingering feeling of pride from us. Amen.
Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai