Ezekiel 43:1-7; Psalm 85; Matthew 23:1-12
Jesus condemns the Scribes and Pharisees for not practicing what they preach. Beloved, if we do not practice what we preach; then we are not in any way different from the Scribes and Pharisees. Practicing what you preach is a necessity in fulfilling the Lord’s mandate. If your actions are not in consonant with the faith you profess then you are either lying to the world or lying to yourself. And such a person is literally a walking contradiction. Many of us preachers and believers are this category today – exhibiting fake life in one form or another. Let us avoid hypocrisy, raising of psuedo believers and more hypocrites.
To avoid hypocrisy, we must practice integrity, practice what we preach, preach what we practice, avoid making hasty conclusions, respect and accept differences, remove the plank from our eye first (Matt.7:5), carry out deep self-examination, treat others with grace and be compassionate, put yourself in others’ shoes, do not gossip others, be humble and lastly ask God for cleansing and the grace to change.
If we do not change our ministries and lives will remain clouded, breeding more lies and fake believers. In the first reading, the Lord’s glory returned to the Temple after their purification. We cannot experience his glory unless we repent.
Father, have mercy and save us from deceitful living. Holy Spirit strengthen us and help us to live in harmony with your promptings, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.