SIRACH3:17-18,20,28-29/PSALM 68:4-7,10-11/HEBREWS 12:18-19,22-24/LUKE 14:1,7-14

Humility is the focus of today’s readings. The Bible describes humility as meekness, lowliness, and absence of self. Humility speaks volume of who we are whether poor or rich. Pride is the polar opposite of humility. While pride is a vice, humility is a virtue. St. Augustine says; pride makes angels devil; while humility turn men into angels. We are in a generation where men are full of themselves and empty of God. Let us learn to be humble regardless of positions or offices. 

In “the parable of the high table” Jesus noted how men chose places of honour. Some people have built their lives around seats. Be yourself irrespective of positions. When they call you Chairman, remember that without the chair you are still a man. Don’t build your life around chairs or tables. Whether you seat at the high or low table, be humble and you shall be exalted by the Lord.

Humility is selflessness (Luke 14: 12-14). In this passage Jesus wants us to offer invitation to those who cannot repay us. Hardly will you have an occasions organized without an instrinsic purpose for gain. In fact these days, the way people organized celebration and the places of events naturally select participants. Even burials are now organized for gain – people do things for gain, even the gospel is now preached for gain. Today’s gospel reminds us to do things selflessly. 

Selflessness is the capacity to prioritize others above oneself. Selflessness is among the most charming traits one may have. Consistently demonstrating selflessness exemplifies a real man or woman. A man or woman that is not selfless is a very difficult person to cope with; either in marriage, office or as a business partner. For this reason, most selfless people are regarded as wonderful people. 

Again, humility is the first step in worship. The Second reading says “you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God.” Worship should come from a humble heart. Psalm 51:17 says; “My sacrifice is a humble spirit, O God; you will not reject a humble and repentant heart.” Psalm 34:18 says the Lord is close to the humble heart. 2 Chron 7:14 talks about humble worship and repentance bringing about blessing and healing. Humility is a necessary step in a fulfilled worship. 

Lastly, the Letter the the Hebrews reminds us that the Church is a Holy city not a market square. The noise disrespect the presence of God. Our attitude towards our phones, and social media in the church simply show our lack of reverence. Some of the young and healthy still find it very difficult to kneel down during consecration. Without humility, worship is useless.

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