1 Corinthians 3:1-9; Psalm 33; Luke 4:38-44
In Luke 4:38 Jesus left the synagogue to Simon’s house for pastoral care for the sick and at daybreak he left his house and made his way to a lonely place to pray (Luke 4:42). Jesus combined public and private prayers. A true Christian must engage in public prayer and private prayer. Today, we get to see Christians who spend hours on crusade grounds but will never pray at home for a minute. Private prayer makes public prayer meaningful and vice versa. Again, he had no clash between his work and prayer. He never prayed at the dentriment of his work, neither did he work at the detriment of his prayer life.
After leaving the synagogue he entered Simon’s house and he restored Simon’s mother-in-law who was suffering from a high fever. We all need healing either physically of spiritually. Do you believe in the healing power of Jesus? Jesus healed Simon’s mother in-law and the delivered all those they brought to him without seeking a headline. He even rebuked them and would not allow them to speak about it. Why do you desire the gift of healing? Are you seeking this gift for fame or salvation? Why are ministers crowding the media with healing and deliverance scenes? Let us all examine our intentions. What are your motivations? What propels you into action?
“All those who had friends suffering… Brought them to Jesus.” What kind of friends do we have? Are they fostering or obstructing our spiritual growth? Are your friends coming closer to Jesus? Do you lay the intentions of your friends before Jesus? Paul confronted his followers about envy and division amongst them. Oftentimes, our friendship are yoked by envy, fractions and divisions. Beloved, help not hinder.
Father, we need healing spiritually and physically. We are tormented by plenty vices. Heal us through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.