1 CORINTHIANS 15:35-37, 42-49; PSALM 55; LUKE 8:4-15
The parable of the sower does not say much about the quality of the seed or what the sower did but more of the soil. Therefore, it can be regarded as the parable of the soil. The seed is the Word of God and the soil is the heart. So when we talk about soils we are referring to the kinds of hearts and their spiritual results.
Like seeds the word of God is spread across the world and there are factors that determine its positive growth, for example the quality of the soil. What kind of soil are we? How do we receive the word of God? Like the rocks, thorns, birds and good soil we have the unresponsive heart, impulsive heart, preoccupied heart and the good heart.
We are challenged to have the good heart. This heart refers to the seed that fell on the good soil. A soil is good because of ploughing, weeding, watering and manuring. The good heart receives the word of God, weeds it, waters it, manures it for proper effective growth.
Father, have mercy and hear us. Build us daily by constant meditation on your word and strengthen us to keep to it. Amen!