A Time for Everything

ECCLESIASTES 3:1-11; PSALM 144; LUKE 9:18-22

Eccl 3:1 says; “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” What do we do with our time? Today, pay close attention to the activities you engage in and give yourself an account of your day. How do we use our free time? Do we still have free time? Do we realize how much time we spend each day on social media?

When we miss our time and season we shall struggle for a long time. Having an understanding of the time makes us productive and effective. In one of his Kpim series Pantaleon Iroegbu noted that “Eternity is the Kpim of time.” The term “Kpim”, an Igbo word, refers to the central core, the hub of things. So, the hub of time is eternity. Time is eternal (forever), we don’t waste time, we waste ourselves. So, while there is still breath on our nostril, let us be useful. Always keep in mind the proper timing and the right course of action (1 Chronicles 12:32).

In the Gospel Jesus asked; “who do people say I am? …. Who do you say I am?” this event took place while Jesus and the Apostles were at prayer. In response, while others were conjectural and speculative; Peter spoke out of divine illumination. We cannot know Jesus without an encounter in prayer. We may have a perfect account of what others have said about Jesus but if we don’t spend quality time in prayer and sacred study our knowledge of Jesus will not go beyond flesh and blood. 


Father, procrastination has become a major hindrance to our spiritual growth. Have mercy and help us. Holy Spirit, teach us to conquer this habit that we may live out the light of Christ daily. Amen.

Fr. Daniel Evbotokhai

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