Galatians 2:1-2, 7-14; Psalm 117; Luke 11:1-14

“Lord teach us to pray”. Jesus gave us the “Our Father” prayer in response to the request from the disciples. What a lovely request to Jesus: “Lord, teach us to pray.” Who taught you to pray? Have you ever taught someone to pray, possibly a child? We got so much to learn about prayer. Many things are happening today in the name of prayer. Learn well and pray well.

We live in a world of multiple kingdoms where there are inequality, injustice, violence, corruption and evil. We pray this prayer of petition asking for God’s kingdom to come. Lord’s kingdom of justice, love and peace. We too must be ready to make his Kingdom real in our daily lives through the spirit of forgiveness and generosity.  

The phrase “daily bread” emphasizes the necessity for spiritual nourishment in order to remain anchored in God. “Forgive us our sins” serves as a constant reminder to to confess our transgressions daily, take responsibility for our mistakes and extend grace to those who have wronged us. 

Beloved, “Our Father” is comprehensive prayer, it addresses every area of our lives. Let us pray daily in sincerity and understanding. I’m the first reading, Paul in his encounter with the other apostles decided to ascertain his message. He says “I wanted to be sure I was not running and had not been running my race in vain.” Kindly make sure you are praying effectively and correctly by visiting your priests, instructors, and spiritual leaders.

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