GALATIANS 3:7-14; PSALM 111; LUKE 11:15-26
Jesus says: “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters”. Gathering together with Jesus starts at baptism, fully realized in the reception of Holy Communion and maintained through the sacrament of reconciliation. Are you baptized? Do you receive Holy Communion? How often do you go to confession?
Again, sin scatters us while holiness gathers us. Let us avoid anything that will scatter us. Let us avoid quarrel, division, envy, lies, greed,or animosity. Jesus says “every kingdom divided against itself cannot stand”. The Kingdom of Jesus is one of unity, love and peace. The Kingdom of this world is devoid of kindness, mercy and love. Let us choose God’s Kingdom over the kingdoms of this world.
The gospel says “When Jesus had cast out a devil, some of the people said, ‘It is through Beelzebul, the prince of devils, that he casts out devils.” Preaching on this gospel Pope Francis The Pope proclaimed “three criteria.” The first is that Jesus battles the devil; “Don’t misinterpret the truth”. Second criterion: Anyone who opposes Jesus is not with Jesus. There are no attitudes in the middle. Third criterion: watchfulness over our hearts because the devil is cunning. In the first reading, Paul says faith is God’s gift to men irrespective of tribe. Abraham’s blessing will also be bestowed upon those who walk by faith. If we claim to be followers of God, we must act with faith.
Lord God, have mercy and bless us. Save us from the forces of evil and may cling with you forever. Amen.