Ephesians 4:7-16; Psalm 122; Luke 13:1-9


 “…unless you repent you will all likewise perish.” We are called to repent not repaint. This repentance is not a renovation of our hearts but a complete change of heart. It is not a cosmetic conversion but a deep seated one. True Conversion is not cosmetic but authentic. We are not turning around but making a U-turn. This U-turn is not to anyhow direction but to the direction that leads to salvation. 

The test of true repentance is fruitfulness. The fruit from a tree determines if the tree is a good tree or a bad tree. Anyone who claims repentance is known by the fruit he or she bears.

The time for true Repentance is now. The incidents of the Galileans Pilate’s soldiers slaughtered in the temple and the eighteen persons who were crushed when the tower fell tell of the fragility or weakness of human life. Almost every other day we hear of death tolls in cities, streets, nations and the like. 

These simply explain the frailty and fragility of human life. Ps.144:4 says the human person is a mere empty breath; his days are like a fading shadow, we disappear like a breath; James in 4:14 says we don’t even know what will happen tomorrow.

Therefore, let us repent and turn a new leaf. The victims of death like those mentioned in today’s gospel were not worst sinners. They may not have had time to prepare for their death. These sudden or untimely deaths should serve as warning to us. 

Lastly, Paul tells us that each of us plays a unique part in the Body of Christ. Although each person’s job is unique, they are all ultimately for the spread of the Gospel. We must thus take all necessary steps to play that role responsibly. When people are acting out their parts or doing their jobs, we can quickly see their weak points. We enjoy passing judgment on and vilifying other people for their faults and failings. Are we superior to people we despise? Repentance is not just for Mr. A and Mrs. B; you also need it. Jesus warns, “Unless you turn from your sins, you will all perish.”


Father, have mercy and forgive us our sins. Grant long life and peace. Scatter darkness away from us. Sanctify us by the power of the Holy Spirit and grant us your salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen 

Fr.. Daniel Evbotokhai

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